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The Africa forum 2023 is tackling pertinent Supply Chain, Logistics, and Transport issues affecting the African continent.

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WiLAT Uzbekistan Launch 

WiLAT Uzbekistan was launched on 22nd September during WiLAT Global Chairperson's visit to Tashkent.  Sevara Gafurova was inducted as the WiLAT Uzbekistan Chair. WiLAT Tajikistan Chair and Global Vice Chair Central Asia were also present at the launch.

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USAID Women Leadership Summit 2022 

WiLAT Global Chairperson Gayani de Alwis was invited to speak at the USAID Women Leadership Summit on 21st September in Tashkent Uzbekistan.  The session was moderated by Aizhan Beiseyeva,  Transport Corridors Development Advisor USAID’s Trade Central Asia Activity and the panel consisted of Deputy Minister of Transport Tajikistan, GVC Central Asia, GVC Middle East and Europe, WiLAT Tajikistan Chair and WiLAT Uzbekistan Chair.

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USAID Trade Leadership Conference 

WiLAT Global Chair, WiLAT Global Vice Chair ME, WiLAT Global Vice Chair CA, WiLAT Tajikistan Chair will be speaking at the USAID Trade Leadership conference on 21st September

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