CILT ICM on June 3 to 6 at Poland
Dr. Dorothy Chan, WiLAT Global advisor, Ms. Vicky Koo, WiLAT Global Deputy Convenor / HK Chairperson and Ms. Alice Yip, WiLAT East Asia Coordinator attended the CILT International Convention in Wroclaw, Poland.
Invited speakers were Dr. Henryka Bochniarz, Founder and The head of the Polish Confederation Lewiatan; Prof. Danuta Kisperska-Moroń, the University of Economics in Katowice and Barbara Kaśnikowska, General Manager of Wroclaw Aircraft Maintenance Services; shared their vision of supporting women at work in the WiLAT Global session organized by Ms. Vicky Koo with the support of CILT Poland and attending WiLAT members. WiLAT Global Advisor, Dr. Dorothy Chan highlighted the strides that WiLAT has made in expanding its global foot print by increasing the coverage to 20 out of the 34 CILT countries, with the latest addition being Australia. During WiLAT meeting, Ms. Alice Yip presented the WiLAT Survey report. Survey major findings reported, and other countries are interested to conduct the same. WiLAT Operation Guideline was discussed with the presence of Keith Newton. Draft v0.5 was updated by Alice for final approval by COT/IMC.