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Webinar on Work-life Balance & Work Prioritization - WiLAT Sri Lanka

The Membership Services Pillar of WiLAT Sri Lanka organized a webinar on Work-life Balance and Work Prioritization which was successfully held on the 12th of October, 2022 from 3.30 to 4.30 via Zoom.

The main objective of the webinar was to make the audience aware of the industry-specific & unique challenges faced by women in balancing their professional, personal and social lives. Panelists from different sectors of Logistics; Ms Roshani Masakorala (Aviation Industry), Ms Sherin Athukorala (Land Transportation) and Ms Aparna Thilakarathna (Maritime Industry), were selected to meet the said objective.

There were more than 50 participants who joined the webinar. And a bunch of invaluable insights were shared by the panelists.


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