WiLAT Mauritius marks its presence in the International Women Forum
WiLAT Mauritius had the opportunity to be present in a high level two-day Women Forum attended by high profile women from 41 different countries across the globe ranging from renowned scientists, to business, social political leaders, policy makers, etc. The theme of the Forum was: Meeting the climate challenge for SIDS and Africa.
The participants were indeed amazing as they were highly brilliant in their respective professional fields and yet, so much engaged to social, economic and environmental issues at a local, national and international level.
At the Forum, the Association played its role fully informing and communicating the values of WiLAT Mauritius and creating a value brand network for future and mutual support and collaboration. The Forum was indeed enriching and we came back enthused with new ideas, insights and contacts. We succeeded in making WiLAT more visible, legible and audible.